
Specifically for your entertainment.

Oh, how the teenage life has been endlessly made fun of. There is no denying a teenagers life can be quite humorous at times due to the heavy coating of drama we all seem to recieve. Whether it be from boys, friends, sports, school etc. there is drama. But unfortunately for those of us who are stuck in this teenage nightmare, there is nothing funny about it.

Yes, I am very much a teenager (hence the name of my blog). I have enough drama to keep me busy. Do I delight in it? No, I should say not. I despise drama really. I don't handle it well at all. But there are those people, yes those people who significantly enjoy drama. Better yet, they endulge in it. And so for those of you who eat up drama like its a medium rare stake smothered in barbeque sauce with a side of sweet potatoes, this is for you.

Recently, my life has turned into one giant stress ball. Unfortunately this is not the kind of stress ball that you can squeeze to make your stress go away. No no, it's quite the opposite really. It's as though it's one of those balls attached to a bunjie chord hanging around your wrist. No matter how far, how fast, or how hard you throw that ball, it's always going to come back to you.

I would have to say that a majority of my stress is due to the male species. A friend of mine will concur with me on this one. I have had enough boy problems to last me a life time, and on into oblivion. I've realized that a lot of my posts have had a certain hatred towards the male species. I don't necessarily hate men per say. I hate what they do to us women. They hang us up, way up in the clouds, on a dainty little chord, only to cut it and let us fall back to the ground. Oh, of course where are my manners? There is a rare species of men that do not do this, who always treat women right and are constantly trying to do the right thing. But are they single? No I think not. That, or they are hidden very cleverly, making it hard work for us girls to find them. I do know a few men though, who have constantly helped me in my life and have never let me down. I think now would be the perfect time to list them.

First off my dad. What a great man he is. He is the one man in the entire world I can always count on. I love my dad, more than I think even he knows. I realize I should show it more. He does so much for me that I sometimes take for granted. My dad has never let me down and is constantly reminding me to be a better person. Do you remember that rare breed of men I was speaking of earlier? Thats my dad right there. I don't think he has a bad bone in his body, and he would do anything for his family. I admire him, and I am so thankful that he is worthy to hold the priesthood and bless us in our home. What a miracle that is, in such a terrible world. Daddy, you're the man!

Next, My uncle Johnny who has been more of a brother to me. What an amazing young man he is. He has shown a great amount of strength and faith, and always shows love to everyone. When you are around Jon you can't help but smile, he lights up a room. At one point he said he wasn't going to go on a mission. I always thought, what a waste! He would be an amazing missionary. The thought truly saddened me. But Jon worked hard, worked very very hard, and is now leaving on his mission to Illinois in 2 days. He is my inspiration. At his farewell yesterday he gave a talk so powerful it had me in tears. This is a rare accomplishment in and of itself. Jon I think I'm right. You will be, without a doubt, an amazing missionary. Thank you for being a light in my life. I love you and I know you will do great and marvelous things out there! Go get em!

Third, I would like to thank Zach, my best friend. You're such a great person and you don't even realize it. You're always putting others first instead of yourself. Such a selfless person. You deal with so much yet still you can manage a smile, and carry on. You are constantly making me laugh, and suprising me in many ways. I didn't know we'd ever end up such good friends, but im so glad that we are. You put up with more of my crap than anyone else, yet you still care about me. I can't even tell you how great you make my life. You are the true definition of a friend and you have never ever let me down. I'm sure you never will. Thanks for being understanding and caring and never giving up on me. I owe you so much. 

The list goes on, Jes Anderson. You have been an amazing friend to me. You have talked me out of so much, and helped me through some really dark days. I know if theres anyone I need to lean on it can be you. You have so many amazing talents, and have really inspired me to pursue some of mine. I'm so thankful for that. It's really hard for me sometimes to want to push myself to do and get better at things that I may be good at. You always inspire me to keep trying. Thank you for always being there for me and caring about me.

Unfortunately this is where my list ends. Someday I would like to have accumulated a really nice and long list, but for now, this is as good as it gets. I know there are good men out there, so I would really appreciate it if you could show your faces once in a while.

(you make me smile) haha
I owe so much to my friends. I don't think they realize how much I appreciate them. I know we can talk about anything and everything and you won't judge or leave me. What a rare gift. Here is a thankyou to my two best girl friends Diana and Kyleigh. You two, have no idea how much I love and care about you, and appreciate everything you do for me. Yes, my life is crazy and stressful, but I know I can always count on you two to never ever leave me. I've been left behind by so many and to have you two is... such a blessing. Thank you thank you. :)

I do believe I meant to mention more of the stressful stuff going on in my life than the good, but im severely loving the optomism. :) 

I have started a new sport by the name of Lacrosse. I enjoy the acronym Lax. Though it has been hard, and extremely time consuming, I have come to love this sport, and all the girls in it. I enjoy meeting new people and everyone I have met so far has really been such a joy. They are always encouraging me and helping me to progress. I love the team work, and the dedication we are all showing together. I can't wait to start the season.

Well, I shall bid you adieu for now. I shall write again soon.
Till then, love always

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