
Newly Wed Rule of Thumb 4 Do something together

In the lovely world of marriage, it's easy to get caught up in all the things you have to do. Pay bills, go to work, grocery shop, etc.
Once you get caught up in all of that you start to run out of things to talk about, get bored, and maybe a little bitter. That leaves room for pointing fingers, and getting down over silly things.
My suggestion for this is to get out and do something with each other. Take up a sport together, join some kind of club, take a class together. Do something to get you out of the house, and do something fun together.
My husband, and I, joined a bowling league, if you don't recall me talking about this. It became something we looked forward to every single week. We enjoyed the time we got to be together, and the opportunity to learn with each other. I never had considered myself a very good bowler, and I definitely wasn't in the beginning. I had the lowest scores out of everyone on the league, but it didn't stop me from having a good time, and it didn't stop my husband from encouraging me. Eventually I got better, and it became something I really enjoyed to do, and enjoyed progressing at. We were always able to come home and talk about the good time we had, and the friends we had made on our team. It was such a great experience for the both of us, and really brought us closer together.
Don't get discouraged if you really can't afford to always go out and do something that costs money. You don't have to. Have a game night together, go hiking, build forts, do whatever makes you happy. The important thing that matters is that you two are doing something to help build your relationship and make it stronger. Don't expect that just because you're married now means that you don't have to work at it. You do, but I believe everything that is worth it you have to work for. That doesn't mean you can't have fun while doing it.

(Last day of bowling)

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