
Your health update

Well, I've done pretty good today! I've stuck with mostly fruits and vegetables with the exception of a few low calorie bight size cookies. I ate some of those because the sandwich I made had a funny taste... unfortunately. As for exercising, that's been a bit of a task, mostly because the past few days I've been real sick, from throwing up all night to have swollen eyes. I promise to be better, but exercising is going to be a step by step process. I refuse to give up though. Even though I feel, some days, that my body is falling apart, I believe that I can over come this trial. I know I have the strength to do it, because my Father in Heaven knows I have the strength to do it, and that's enough reassurance for me. My husband has also been really sweet and supportive. I'm trying to get him to join me in my big ol' health kick. Maybe he will. The thing is this isn't about getting skinny. This is about getting healthy. My body has never been a healthy one. Even when I was at my comfortable weight, I wasn't all that healthy (although I do believe I was at my healthiest that I've ever been.) This is important not only for me to feel better about myself, but for my life to feel like it has more meaning than being sick all of the time.

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