
Happy Halloween! Well... it was anyway.

I realize I'm real tardy on writing this post... but I can assure you I'm totally innocent. You see, my mom had the photos, and I couldn't possibly write a post about Halloween without photos! So you see why it's taken me until November 17 to write this, but here it is! I'm sure you're all so overwhelmed with excitement.
Halloween came up really fast this year, and really caught me off guard. I had so many ideas about Halloween, of what Oran and I could dress up as. Well on the Friday before Halloween we still hadn't gone to get costumes and my cousin invited us to a Halloween concert at Velour. As I'm sure you can imagine it was a costume themed concert. Oran and I quickly went to Halloween store after Halloween store, and we couldn't find one thing we liked or could agree on. I suggested we be Danny and Sandy from Grease. ( It's kind of an inside thing between us, we like to sing you're the one that I want to each other a lot.) He wasn't a big fan of that idea because he didn't think anyone would know what we were. Well, since we were out of time and ideas we decided to go with that and go to the show.
Well I proved my husband wrong. Everyone knew who we were. So there. I thought we looked pretty good myself....
Anyway, one of the bands we went to see was my cousins boyfriends band. They all dressed up as Harry Potter characters, and I immediately gained respect for them. My cousin's boyfriend is the one dressed up as Dobby. 

That was our first costume. I knew Oran really didn't want to dress up like that again, but the weekend had ended, it was now Sunday night, and we still didn't have real costumes. I was supposed to dress up for work, and was distraught that I had nothing to wear. 
I vented my disappointment to my mom, who, of course, had a fix to my problem. A few years ago she dressed up as Lady Luck for Halloween with the cutest costume ever. She told me I could wear that for Halloween. Giddy that I finally had a costume, I almost didn't realize Oran still didn't. 
While at work... I came up with a plan for Oran to match me. I thought I was brilliant. 
I let Oran know what I was planning and after work, I rushed to the nearest Halloween store. 
After I had picked up everything I needed, we rushed over to my grandmas to finish putting together Oran's costume. 

This is the out come.
I was Lady Luck, and he was my gamblin' man. 
Come on... it was creative especially since I only thought of it the day of. 
(That fake cigar I think was my favorite part)

We're cute I know...

Some more photos from the night:
My grammy, me, and my mom.
I know my family doesn't age... I'm hoping I catch some of that as I get older.

Jon and I. He's my uncle/bestbud 

Anyway, I'd say Halloween was a success. We weren't invited to do anything with anyone, but I honestly didn't care too much. I was with my family, and we had a pretty good time. 
Later that night we watched Captain America with my uncle Alex and his girlfriend Chantel. 
Sure it wasn't a scary movie, but we still had fun.

That about sums it up. Thank goodness I got this Halloween post out of my hair right?!

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