
Shizzy movie night?

New tradition in the HOUSE. (emphasis on house because I mean to say it enthusiastically and loud) Kyleigh, Diana, and I have created a new tradition which is now known as shizzy movie night. Prepare to be amazed. We find shizzy movies and we watch them, and laugh at how crappy they are. I think this tradition kicks most others butts! Since us girls plan to move out together someday in the fututre, it will also be a great tradition for our apartment. ah. Tonight was the first night of shizzy movies. Top choice? Drag me to h.edouble hockey sticks. I think it takes the cake to be quite honest. Horrible acting, horrible grafics, goats, disgusting fluids, buttons. It's just a perfect start:) Oh summer how I love thee.


MARDI said...

hahahah i got one for you
"The Sasquatch Gang"
most ridiculous movie of my life
but oddly funny

somethingcoolerthan said...

Haha I will definitely put that on my list.